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Ants can cause the most damage when they build their nests in pots, in the greenhouse.
They can also cause problems as they will tend to "herd" aphids and milk them for their sugary secretions. They offer protection for the aphids from their natural predators. Aphids will not only damage the plants, by sucking sap from the cells, but they are also responsible largely for spreading viruses between plants.
Ants and aphids together are most commonly found in succulent collections on the flowering spikes of echeverias and similar succulents.


As always, good greenhouse hygeine will discourage ants.

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Echeveria flower with aphids and ants


Baits are easy to use and often effective. Place the baits next to wherever ants are seen, preferably beside ant "trails" (invisible scent trails, which worker ants follow between food and the nest). Baits are easy to use and often effective.
Ant activity often will subside in a matter of days as the number of ants in the colony declines. Continue to place additional baits wherever ants are seen.

A greener method is to use Neem Oil with Pyrethrin, which is made from chrysanthemums, can be safely used in vegetable gardens, fruit & nut trees & ornamentals. It provides immediate control of ants, aphids, mealy bugs and spider mites.

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